October 18, 1924

Jacksonville, FLorida,
Sat. Night Oct 18th

My Dear Ina,

I have thought of you a great many times since I received your last letter and would have wired you, but felt that my letter would soon be there. I wrote as soon as I received yours.

I couldn’t believe that you cared for me enough to be affected in that manner, but Dear, it almost makes me shout with joy to know that you do care. You have a great deal of reserve not to have told me before, but may be you didn’t know until then. I usually express my feelings and I guess it would be better if I were more reserved too. I believe I talk more freely to yourself, for it seems to be the natural thing to do. Just seems that I know you so well, and love you so, that I just have to tell you. I want you to know everything and I am apt to hurt your feelings but I certainly don’t want to. If you only knew just how much I do love you I am sure that what I told you about the young lady in South Dak. would not affect you at all. I only wish that you knew whether or not you loved me enough to let me bring you back with me at Christmas, when I will see you. But I want you to be sure and I’ll wait until you know whether you love me that much or not. I only hope that you will be frank with me and tell me regardless of how you feel toward me.

October 18, 1924

October 18, 1924

Your last letter was the sweetest I have ever received and if you knew how I felt, you would feel that someone loved you a great deal.

You can rest assured that I have no intention of going to South Dakota and that I really love you and want you. I’ll see you Christmas and while I would like to have your answer then, I want you to be sure of yourself. Will wait until you do decide.

Had a mighty fine letter from Sis and she is very happy. Wants me to stop over with them when I return from Washington. I will, if it can be arranged satisfactorily. I am not sure about the time I’ll return nor the route either. I want you to know her for she is some sister. She admired your photo very much when I saw her and I know she would love you. I am equally sure that you would like her too.

Write soon, won’t you, for I love you and only you.
