October 31, 1931

Saturday A.M.
Oct. 31, 1931.

Dearest Sweetheart:

Walter White and I are sitting by the fire writing to you. He wrote on my letter some too. He enjoys having us take him on our laps and tell him how he is going to get on the “chu chu twain” and go see Daddy. He sits real still and smiles.

October 31, 1931

October 31, 1931

Your letter of Monday night enclosing one from Mrs. Bucklin came yesterday. I’m relieved that she is in a home where she will be cared for. I understand the Eastern Star home is a good one. I have thought of her so often and wondered what she was doing. She is pathetic. She has so much spirit and a love for the comforts and beauties of life. I am going to write her soon. It is queer that we failed to receive her last letter.

Honey, I’m sorry I alarmed you about Papa’s condition. You see, his back has been weak ever since he was a young man and every time he does any heavy lifting he suffers greatly with backache. He has had that trouble so much that when we ask him how he feels, we just naturally expect him to say “alright except my back hurts so bad.” It seems that “blues” or worry makes his back ache terribly. So, even though no one in either of the cars suffered even the slightest physical injury, his back became sympathetic when he found that he would have a repair bill. It amounted to about $26.00* and would have been more if Papa had not happened in the garage in time. The owner of the car had carried it to the garage to be overhauled. Of course it all would have been charged to Papa. He (Papa) told the garage men to use their judgement about the repairs that would be necessary as a result of the accident. He of course was willing to stand that expense, but no other.

It will be lovely if your sandfly treatments give a 95% kill. It should seem marvelous to people who have been annoyed by the pests so long. I’m anxious to know just what your plans are for extensive treatments. Congratulations! I’m so proud of the progress you have made on that problem as well as on others. You will have interesting material for the Christmas paper.

The cool weather we have been having yesterday and today makes me appreciate your saying that the heaters at home and the lab are in working order. Do you think the house we are now in will be a great deal more easily heated than the Elmwood one?

The pecan crop in the yard was light this year but Papa has about 200 lbs. from his trees. Some of them are real large ones too. There is only one tree among them that is an ungrafted native pecan.

It is good to know that it will be only a few weeks before we can be seeing you.

We surely do love you, Honey.

Always, your

* $392.53 in today’s money.