December 25, 1930

Dec. 25 – 10:30 P.M.

My dear Sweetheart,

I am enclosing some Xmas cards. I had breakfast with Mrs. Laake. Took temperatures of pigs until 1 PM, then had dinner with the Shelmires. This afternoon we made some blood transfers to new pigs. Tonight I checked temperatures on the whole lot. Our mite bitten pigs are not running high temperatures but they do run fever. The fever is consistent so far. We are very anxious for results on the transfer pigs. In the latter we would like to see swellings & be able to get tissue for demonstration of the Rickettsia.

December 25, 1930

December 25, 1930

This evening was a dull one for me. Also last night. This evening I went by the movie on Grand Ave. I can’t tell you much about the show. I was thinking typhus and guinea pigs.

Last night the phone rang a number of times but I was determined that I was not going anywhere to see a Xmas tree and kiddies. Since the phone started to ringing before 8 PM I knew that you were not phoning. Today I found that it was Mrs. Bedford Shelmire. She wanted me to be sure and come out for dinner today. Mrs. Geary and Mrs. Shelmire had mentioned the trees, and I was determined that I would not see their trees last night.

I am getting all of the male guinea pigs I can find. Mr. Somier is going to help the cause by bringing one from his house tomorrow. We want to make the injections as soon as possible, and just as soon as we get swellings and can autopsy, I’ll get on my way to Uvalde. I am getting mighty anxious to see you and W W & the folks.

With all my love, Sweetheart, I am


P.S. Bish wants to read our paper on rat mites & typhus at Cleveland. If we get sufficient evidence on transmissions we may wire him to announce it for us. We would like to have an exhibit & paper for the Southern Clinic at Dallas on March 31 to April 2. We will see how it comes along.
