May 11, 1929

Saturday Nite 9:15 PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Another day and evening with Dr. White. Have spent most of my time with him. Have found it very interesting and I have gained some useful information for the goat problem. The dinner for Cobb which was scheduled for tonight did not materialize. Dr. Hall was seriously ill and it was cancelled on that account.

May 11, 1929

May 11, 1929

This noon Dr. White and I had dinner with Bish, Webb and Peters. Tonight Dr. White and I ate at the Allies Inn again. Tomorrow noon I’ll go home with Bishopp for dinner and they will take me to Balto. in the PM.

Talked to Dr. Roark on the phone this PM. He called Bish’s office and inquired if I had arrived. I will phone him when I return from Baltimore, about a week from next Wednesday. He and Mrs. Roark were disappointed when they learned that you did not come with me.

I had the privilege of reading Jimmie’s exam paper this afternoon. Bish has to read all of them and pass on them, but does not enter the grades. I think Jimmie will need some help and possibly Bish can help some. There are eight papers in the section on Physiology and Insecticides. One of them, a man now working here, is up for an appointment as soon as the papers are graded. I compared his paper with Jimmie’s, although Jimmie’s is not presented well, his facts are given. It is difficult to find them. In fact I had to point out to Bish just what he was driving at in some of his discussions. Bish has about 50 exam papers for Junior to be read & reported. Naturally the ones with the facts in brief form will be given most consideration. When I return from Baltimore I’ll learn what the others have to report. If Jimmie’s passes I’ll be pleased. Dr. White agrees with me re: Jimmie’s going to Baylor for work, in preference to another year with Dr. Geiser.

When I talked of Mr. Abbott Dr. White suggested that the boy was probably affected with defective internal secretion glands. The pineal gland at the base of the brain, an internal secretion gland, probably does not function properly. Dr. White suggests that A may be a burden to his folks as long as he lives. Also that the boy is to be pitied for this abnormality. The trouble probably started during embryonic development.

With all my love, I am,
