September 28, 1928

Box 208,
Dallas, Texas,
Sept. 28, 1928.

Mrs. Lilly May Adams,
Mart, Texas.

My dear Mrs. Adams:

I am in receipt of your kind letter, and also the letter from Lorraine. The fountain pen was received, and I wish to thank you for returning it.

September 28, 1928

September 28, 1928

I regret that we were unable to stop at Mart and visit with you. Since we shall probably go to Uvalde quite often it is likely that at some other time we can have this privilege and pleasure.

A list was made of Frank’s books, and I carried this to the book store of the Southern Methodist University. From the list about 8 or 9 books were checked by the dealer, which indicated that such books were in use in the University at the present time. A large number of Frank’s books are not used by students at the present time, due to revisions in editions, but all of them are nice reference books. I carried the books to Dr. Geiser’s laboratory, and we discussed the matter. In the talk with him I learned that he would be pleased to have the books donated to the library of the university. Some of them could be donated to the library of the Department of Zoology, and others to the general library. If you cared to give the books to them I am sure that they would serve a most useful purpose. It is the custom of libraries to indicate by sicker or otherwise that the books were donated, and by whom, and I believe that this would be an appropriate way to render service to students in the University and to remind them of a character who exemplified a good student.

If you care to give the books to the University I would appreciate it if you would communicate such information to Dr. Geiser.

Yesterday I sent to you by express a box containing Kodak pictures and such other personal effects which Frank left at our laboratory. I trust that these will reach you promptly and in good condition.

Before I left Uvalde a pair of Frank’s glasses were shown to Mr. L.B. Russell, the man in whose home Frank was rooming. Mr. Russell indicated that he would like to buy the glasses. I am writing him today, and will ask him to communicate with you, giving the price he is willing to pay for them. Should you want them returned he will be glad to send them to you.

With kindest personal regards to yourself and other members of the family, I am


W.E. Dove,
Assoc. Entomologist.