July 5, 7:15 PM. The Lab.
My Dear Honey Bunch,
Your letter posted yesterday A.M. came this noon and it was a real good one. I have such a sweet little wife.
I slept at the Lab last night and the camp bed was very comfortable. The sleeping porch is going to be O.K.
Bish is thinking about renting his home. I guess he plans on leaving before very long, though he did not say just when. One reason for leaving as I see it, he cannot get his promotion until he reports in Wash. for duty. Thinks he ought to get $60 for his house unfurnished. Says that the records show that Dallas has 6.4% vacant residential property. 10% is considered good in large cities. With no building to speak of, the demand should be good for homes this fall. Haven’t heard from Mr. Diffey yet. Will try and phone or see him tomorrow.
Had more supplies to come in today. Seems like Xmas to be unpacking them. Also had a visitor from SMU, Dr. Geiser head of the Dept of Biology out there. He is a Hopkins man. Did his work under Dr. Jennings. Says that a Hopkins PhD does not have to apologize to anyone for the degree. He was very interesting. Is doing some work on nematodes right now – some that breed in vinegar. Is studying effects of acids and alkalis. He says that he will call often in the future. Think he is the one whom Brown & Hoff mentioned, as he knew Brown.
You are missing the peaches at the Lab. Your husband has been eating enough for both of us. The kittens are fine & the goats too, thank you.
I love you Dear with all my heart.
Mighty sweet dreams,