June 30, 1927

The Lab. 5:30 PM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Had a letter last night and it was great. You have been so good to write to me every day, and I certainly appreciate and enjoy the letters.

Alvis came by our apt. last night and visited with me for a couple of hours. He left for Little Rock & other points on a midnight train. He doesn’t seem to be getting along very good with his girl. He didn’t go to see her last night. Think he saw her one night this week for about 5 min. She told him he could stay 10 min. At the end of five minutes he said it had seemed longer to her so he left and has not been back. Mrs. Pettit sent me a glass of plum jelly by Alvis. She made it at home. Am keeping it until you come home.

June 30, 1927

June 30, 1927

Sweetheart, I don’t know what you think of it but I told Mrs. Rankin that I would give up the apartment. It seems foolish for me to keep it by myself, when we have so much need for the money in other ways. I have bedding and everything here at the Lab and can use the sleeping porch until I come to Uvalde. When we return we can take an apartment again or whatever you say. Last night I packed most everything and brought them to the Lab. My suits & your trunk are yet there, but I’ll bring them down soon. Am sleeping there yet, but told her to rent it as soon as she wanted to. She should be able to rent it by the 5th. I do not have a key. It is on your key chain. Would you please tie the enclosed frank to it and drop it in the mail box. I packed the china and silver carefully and counted the pieces so that I know we have all of them. I guess it would be a good idea if you would begin addressing your letters to Box 208.

I trust it will meet with your approval about giving up the apartment. It means a saving of $45 per month. It may be that long before we want one. Mrs. Rankin was very nice & hopes that we will come back to Miller’s Court when you return.

With all my love, Dear,

Old Man. (Hubby)

So now Walter is living at the lab in Dallas.