Box 61, Jacksonville Beach, Fla.,
Dec. 3, 1925.
Thursday PM.
My Dear Sweetheart,
I was mighty glad to get your letter this morning, the Sunday Nite letter. Am glad that you finished the church duties O.K. and that everything went off O.K.
I think your idea of the hour 3:30 is a very good one. That should give enough time to get through and make the 4:10 train. If agreeable to you, we might spend the first night at San Antonio, as there is no fun in making a hurried trip of it. From there we could go to New Orleans, then to my folks. Mother says that it will probably be after the 25th before Sister & Mr. Prince get there as he is pretty busy until the 24th. If we get there about the same time, it would be O.K. Perhaps you would have a different routing in mind, if so, let me know. The main thing with me is that you are going to be with me. (Mr Pettit) Alvis is on an organ installation in Little Rock just now and has to make a trip to Okmulgee. He is trying to be best man for us, and if possible I know that he will.
I love you, Dear, and I am happy, too, that the time will soon be at hand.
Always your
P.S. Dr. & Mrs. Roark sent a card this AM. Will see them in Jax tomorrow.
Isn’t this a classic of my father’s Type A, focused thinking? Let’s see…wedding at 3:30 gives us time to drive to the station and catch the 4:10 train to San Antonio…
Surely, he was teasing.
I hope my mother’s reply is coming up in the next post.
— Tom