May 14, 1937

Stationery from the Gulf Coast Limited train.

Friday the 14th.

My dear Ina,

Will reach Gainesville this noon and will be with Roberts until about Saturday PM. A bill was introduced in Fla. legislature for $100,000 for the next two years for control of S.W. There are also some matters to discuss with Roberts.

May 14, 1937

May 14, 1937

The SW item passed the Senate Committee for only $75000 and Strong says that is all we can count on but that we will get that much. Conferences in Wash. were quite satisfactory. Am getting 6 new cars on this year’s fund with trade in of all 1935 cars. Will have two new 4 door sedans at San Antonio, 1 new 4 door sedan and 1 2 door at Gainesville. Also will get 2 pick up trucks & 2 new sedan deliveries. Bishopp conference resulted in abbreviated section on carcass burning with statement that it was a sanitary procedure but should not be depended upon to control the screw worm. I think I won a decisive battle on this. It was not carried to Strong for a decision. Strong was friendly and most pleasant but made me win my case on the automobiles. Spent one night with Prof. & Mrs. Harned. Did not see Halls or Mrs. Cushing. Mr. Cushing is in Texas now. With love to all of you & especially to my wife.
