August 26, 1937

Walter’s travel schedule has calmed down a bit, so the letters are further apart. During this trip, Ina is apparently staying at her parents’ house in Uvalde, TX.

Thursday PM.

My dear Ina,

I spent Sunday night at Rock Springs, Monday AM at the Ranch Exp Sta., Monday PM with Mr. Babcock at Sonora, drove to Menard Monday night and was there Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Arrived home yesterday PM and just in time to catch some needed correspondence with Washington.

August 26, 1937

August 26, 1937

The trip was an enjoyable one and a hot drive. All of the stops and visits were much worth while. All were friendly and cordial. Dr. Melvin had me to lunch and dinner and during the evening the Kniplings* came over with their two girl babies. One about 6 mos. old and one about 1-1/2 years old. The Menard lab bunch are hard workers and the work is well planned. They seem to be going somewhere and I think they are going with screw worm control. The treatments look mighty good and they are anxious to contribute something to help us.

Mr. Brundrett turned in his equipment and is packing for Valdosta. Dr. Brennan is leaving Saturday AM (Daylight) to report Wash. on Sept. 1. We are continuing to shrink.

Mr. Gaddis phoned from Houston this AM regarding some cars. Says he is mighty well pleased with the different people from our division. I mentioned Miss Chindenen but he does not hold that against us.

Tell Walter White and Lewis Dunbar to be good boys and I am going to find out about it when I get there, which may be Saturday PM.

I wanted to surprise you by mowing the lawn but there is no lawnmower on the back porch or under the porch or in the garage. Maybe it is in Madris’ house. I hope it was not stolen.

With love,

* Remember the name Knipling. He will become very significant in the screw-worm control story.