May 19, 1936

Tuesday PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

I am sending a list of furniture as given for the bids. The bids are being sent to Mr. Hall with the request that he send them to transfer companies. They are to be returned to Atlanta for opening. An award will be made to the successful bidder when bids are received at Washington. It seems not too early to start these.

May 19, 1936

May 19, 1936

We are getting office space in the Travis building #1010. It should be ready for occupancy on Saturday of this week. I am going out there, but I do not know how soon, to get things started and will come back to accompany you to Tex. If it is at all possible I’ll come home again before going out there. Things are happening so fast that I cannot tell.

Roberts had a satisfactory conference with Mr. Strong at Sacramento yesterday. We are getting started out there. R.A. will return by Phoenix Arizona (tomorrow) and Tucson Thursday. The bill is supposed to be signed about June 1 as Congress is expected to adjourn about that time.

Bruce is returning from a trip over the S.E. except S.C. He will go up there later. We have the Florida set up to work out in detail but I think we know it pretty well.

Claudelle received the large pictures of some negroes who had screw worm in the nose and she is trying to make them pretty.

With all my love,
