Tag Archives: Philadelphia

June 10, 1931

Wednesday Night.

My dear Sweetheart,

The meetings go along OK. It has been cool & raining. The exhibit awards were made this PM. Dr. Shelmire and I were given second place in Class I. He is out tonight. I have just returned from Dr. White’s høtel. Have had two whole evening visits with him. He has a nice exhibit up here and would have drawn a prize if he had been demonstrating something as new as ours. He is feeling pretty good, and talks about as usual.

June 7, 1931

June 7, 1931

Our paper is scheduled for Friday morning sometime. The exhibits close at either 12 M or 2 PM. Expect to go to Wash. Friday night and spend the day there. They close at noon so I won’t be able to see very many [museums?]. Hope to arrive home Sunday A.M.

With love,


June 10, 1931: AMA Award

June 10, 1931: AMA Award

The two researchers published their work the following Spring. The paper is a footnote in medical history, as fleas turned out to be the primary vectors of endemic typhus.

June 7, 1931

Walter is now in Philadelphia for a meeting of the American Medical Association, where he and Bedford Shelmire are presenting their work on the transmission of endemic typhus.

Sunday A.M.

My dear Sweetheart,

We arrived on time this morning and it is not so late after all. It was daylight when the porter called me. At the hotel I note that they are on daylight saving time so this is not bad.

June 7, 1931

June 7, 1931

This hotel is about an average one. It has been newly decorated. I haven’t had breakfast yet so I can’t say about the food.

I hope everything is going OK with you and Claudelle & WW.

With love,
