Sunday Nite
Sept. 20, 1925.
Dearest Sweetheart:
I have just returned from my fourth church service today and it is after ten o’clock. The evangelist preached tonight, so you know that always means a long service. I really believe he is doing a great deal of good here in the way of restoring the peace in the community. Of course you don’t realize like me the terrible feeling of strife that has existed for a long time between so many people here. Our little town and community have been torn to pieces and it is extremely pleasant and gratifying now to see men and women who, in some cases, have not spoken to each other for months or perhaps years, shaking hands and talking with one another again in a true friendly and forgiving manner. This is a hard old town and it does my soul good to see such manifestations of peace once more.
Mine is a peace-loving soul, and it hurts me to see friends and acquaintances who are at enmity toward one another. It would be worth worlds if something could be done to help the situation, and I believe it can. There must have been about 1500 people present last night.
I was interested in what you said about the letter from your war friend. I know you enjoy hearing from them and I wish you could attend the reunion. I know it would be fine. Yes, I surely will enjoy meeting the men with whom you were associated during that time. It speaks well for you that you are all such friends now as it was not always the case between the officers and their men.
It is getting late, so goodnight and sweet dreams.
I love you, Sweetheart.
Always your