The Beach, Friday Nite.
My Dear Sweetheart,
Yours of Sunday and Monday came tonight. As usual they were good ones, too. Also had a letter from Dr. White tonight, telling me that our engagement had been announced in Washington. Mr. Webb gave out the news when he returned. No doubt he visited Uvalde on his trip. Dr. White did not know of it until he returned to Wash. He wrote a very nice letter.
Am taking the early train for Jax. Dr. K.S. and I will leave about noon. It will hardly be possible for me to write you tomorrow night as we will stop at a private home on the river & it will be late by the time we will have arranged for a boat and a Negro to row. But I’ll be thinking of you just the same and I’ll wish for you a great many times. I will spend Sunday night at Dr. K.S. home. We will probably get there about 2AM. Monday. Will write again Monday night, Dear.
I have some mighty interesting work going just now and I don’t like to leave it even for a few days, but the change will do me good. We always have a good time.
I hope that Claudelle is getting settled in school by now. Give her my brotherly love and say hell-o.
With lots and lots of love, I am
Always your,