The Beach, Tues. Nite 9/15.
My Dear Sweetheart,
Your little letter was “Johnny on the spot” tonight and I enjoyed it too, Dear. You always write and say the right thing at the right time. I was in Jax again this morning and you will wonder if I have gone crazy when I tell you that I bought another 10 acre tract of land. It is located in the same quarter of a section with the other one, and they represent the two lower corners of that section quarter. This particular quarter was marked out on the map, but it was due to an error in the office in which another tract had been sold twice. I have been wanting another tract ever since I got the first, and when I came home last night I couldn’t go to sleep until I had made up my mind that I would go up and get it this morning. An Omaha man had just visited the section where Dr. White and I & you are interested, paid twice the amount in cash for one tract then purchased four other tracts about a mile from there which had a much lower elevation. I really believe that our tracts are the best of any they are offering, and I have no doubt but that one of them can be sold this winter for a sum which will pay for both of them. High dry land, clear of brush, good drinking water, no mosquitoes, 1 1/2 miles from a paved highway and located on the Atlantic Coast Line is what I call a good buy at $75 per acre. Why, Dear, $1000 per acre is not an enormous price for such land. I believe that it will be worth $300 per acre this winter. I am anxious to have you see them, and I believe that you will agree with me that one of them would be a dandy little place to build a home. Either one of them for that matter, but we will probably make one of them pay for both. We will have plenty of time to look them over after you come down here, and we will see what the “Missus” says.
Your coffee report was amusing Dear, but don’t think for a second that you should drink coffee just because I do. Perhaps I can learn to drink Cocoa with you. Maybe we can have both, or perhaps coffee at breakfast & something else at other meals. The incident is one which shows your nature and I certainly do love you for it. If I can be as unselfish toward you, we certainly ought to get along. We are going to get along, for I love you so very much that there is hardly a thing I would not do for you. I do not know of anything.
I am beginning another lead on the solution of this C.E. problem, in fact, two others. Have been keeping these up my sleeve. Dr. White was not telling everything that he knew, and sometimes I think that he kept his technique as much as possible. So I have not been telling him everything that I knew. I am going to try one of them pretty well before going down the state, for I am anxious to follow it up. I probably won’t go for anotehr week. Next Saturday, however, Dr K.S. & I are going on a fishing trip. He planned it when I had lunch with him today. He is certainly a Prince of a fellow.
This is getting to be a long one, so I’d better tell my “sweetie” goodnight. I love you, Dear and I want you always.