June 19, 1925 (Ina)

Friday Afternoon
June 19, 1925.

Dearest Walter:

You see, I did succeed in borrowing a fountain pen.

Your letter came this morning at the breakfast table, and you don’t know how much better the cold toast and raw eggs tasted after reading it. But the way, I believe I enjoy my meals more than any other “service” we have. They are certainly nothing to boast of but I think the reason I enjoy them so thoroughly is because they are the only thing we don’t have to take notes on. Yes, Claudelle’s appetite has improved wonderfully too. She eats all they give her and sings for more. At the present moment she is enjoying “College Humor.” They are not working us so hard today, so I think I can find time to read some too.

June 19, 1925 (Ina)

June 19, 1925 (Ina)

You may rest assured that I sleep well. No amount of heat can keep me from that. I don’t get to sleep until about 11:30, but that is early, isn’t it?

I am heartily ashamed of myself for complaining about anything here, and I’ll take it all back. I think they do wonderfully well to have things arranged as well as they have. I think the real trouble with me is that my heart is in Uvalde. It is still there, but I am enjoying the services here much better now than at first. They really are wonderful, and I consider myself fortunate in having an opportunity to take part in them. Never-the-less, I shall be most happy when we are homeward bound. I would be so glad if you could be [now in pencil] (the borrowed pen and ink gave out) here to go back with us, but that would be a long way for you to come just for that. The girls here like you so much (A lady just came in, and, since my bed is almost under the shelf where the water is, she accidentally poured some in my lap. Hence the blots), that I am sure they would be delighted to have you go back with us. Anyhow, I surely am looking forward to seeing you Monday after we return. I can hardly wait.

I like your friend, Mr. Petit. I feel like I have known him before, but I suppose that is because I have heard you speak of him so much. I would enjoy having him come out this week. I enjoyed the drive Tuesday afternoon with you all so much. You are so thoughtful and nice that you know just what to do to make people comfortable and happy. I love you for that and everything else.

It is now 3:15 and we are supposed to be at the tabernacle in fifteen minutes to have our pictures taken and I haven’t dressed yet.

Wish I could see you now.

Claudelle appreciated the “sisterly” love, and sends her “brotherly” in return. And I send mine which is neither sisterly nor brotherly.

We appreciate your going out to see Mama. I know they enjoyed having you. Tell Thelma Lee and Reitha hello for us when you see them. I am sending them cards this afternoon.

I love you.
