Hotel Stationery from “The Everett – European Plan”
Jacksonville, Fla. March 17 1925
Dear Ina,
Was pleased to get your letter this morning as I had considerable doubt as to whether or not you would answer. I am looking forward to my return to Dallas and for the time to come for us to go to Uvalde. I want to see you and lots more than you think I do. I don’t imagine I will ever square myself with you, for you have an awful opinion of me at present. However, I am not really so mean as it has seemed.
The winter has gone so quickly that I don’t realize it. I was so busy that I almost forgot about everything. I arrived here the 13th and Sat. Dr. K.S. and I went about 100 miles south on a fishing trip. Fished all day Sunday and had a real good time. Have had some work to do here and within a few days I expect to go to Dallas. Will be busy preparing a report for the American Med. meeting which is held at Atlantic City during the latter part of May. Dr. K.S. will be there with Dr. White, but I’ll not go to this one. Will get credit for my work just the same, and probably more credit than I am entitled to claim. Will tell you all about it when I see you. If you are not working then, I hope I can see you a great deal.
You mean more to me than you think, and I am anxious to see you.
Box 208