My dear Ina,
I mailed the checks to the Skellet Co. for storage, the New England Mutual & one to Mother Dove.
Will bring checks & deposit them at Wash.
Separate note:
May 8, 1940.
Dear Lewis Dunbar,
What kind of a boat are you building? It sounds like an Irish submarine (a brick bat). Will it float? Will see you Sunday.
And another…
Wednesday Night 5/8-’40
Dear Walter White,
I had some very good news on your school work and we want you to know that both Mother and I are very proud of your fine record. At the rate you are going in school you should be ready for college at an early age, and should get trained for your life work while you are young.
The grasshopper program is small in comparison to the past two years, and it seems perfectly natural to be working on it now. I plan to leave here Friday PM and should reach Washington on the B&O Sunday morning about nine o’clock, if I remember the schedule correctly. I’ll be there in time to eat Sunday dinner with you.