July 10, 1939 (from Ina and Walter White)

200 W. Mesquite
Uvalde, Texas
July 10, 1939

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were so glad to have your letter from Denison and your telegram from Minneapolis today. It seemed like old times for you to be thoughtful about writing and wiring us. You have been on our minds a great deal since you left Saturday. We were afraid that bus ride would be awfully hot. Do you know that the temperature here that day was 112ยบ – the hottest in 20 years? It was the same again yesterday, but I think it was a little cooler today. At least we have had a breeze.

July 10, 1939 (from Ina)

July 10, 1939 (from Ina)

Walter White and Lewis Dunbar have been behaving nicely. Walter White has seemed so much more grown-up since he went to Reagan Wells with you. He hasn’t cried a time since then.

Honey, I’m not giving orders, but may I remind you of three things – the laundry, the due bills, and the letter from the Olson Rug Co.? Please have Mr. King B mail us clothing belonging to Reitha, the boys, and me. Your insurance, the gas, milk, rent, and perhaps other bills are due. You remember I told you about complaining to the Olson Rug Co. about the way the rug in our room behaves. If you will forward their reply to me, I shall appreciate it.

We hope you are not snowed under with work since your brief vacation. Don’t forget the sunshine and walks to the lake.

We love you lots and lots.

Always, your

220 W. Mesquite
Uvalde, Tex.
July 10, 1939

Dear Daddy,

We went to Ina Marie’s today. We had a nice time only Ina (Ina Marie) couldn’t come back with us.

Tonight Lewis is going to sleep on the studio couch for the first time this summer.

See if you can manage to get a few days off to go to Mother Dove’s (which I doubt).

We went to Garner park yesterday to go swimming (which I didn’t).

Your Son,
Walter W. Dove

July 10, 1939 (from Walter White)

July 10, 1939 (from Walter White)