Friday A.M.
March 20, 1936.
Dearest Sweetheart:
It would be nice if you would write your wife once in a while if nothing more than a card. The grocery store cares that much about us. Just this morning I received a nice card from Orsini’s. John telephoned me about the letter he received from you yesterday. He or Sara have been ‘phoning me twice a day since you left to know if I have heard anything. They are so anxious to know if they will be returning to Fort Pierce. Also, since receiving your letter John wants to know if he is supposed to let Mr. Strong know that he knows of the new screw worm arrangement when he comes.
John telephoned Ethel’s message to us this morning. He forwarded it to you. I’m so sorry their house burned. Can we do anything to help? I hope they had plenty of insurance. John said he imagined that, being in a bank, Marshall would pay special attention to properly insuring his home. Of course there are dozens of things that insurance never can replace. Think of the old letters that would be destroyed if our house should burn! I shall write Ethel today.
Don’t try to cross the Potomac. I notice in today’s paper that it is on a rampage and is threatening Washington’s Monument. You probably hadn’t noticed.
I was lucky last week. About 9:30 last Saturday night a man from Adler’s telephoned and said he was pleased to inform me that I had won their second prize of the week – $25 – in merchandise. I had been saving up coupons, you see. They give one for each 50ยข purchase. The drawings take place every Saturday night. Now I believe in Santa Claus. I haven’t decided what I shall buy with the $25.00. I was hoping you would come home some time and help me decide. After all it was your credit I used. I had thought of part of it for slip covers for the couch and your chair – pretty printed linen ones. However, if we are going to have to rent our house furnished I am not in favor of spending any more on furnishings. We can buy anything or any number of things we like – up to $25.00. Of course, now, if we could strike a sale there we might get our money’s worth. Mr. Dyer said he would rather we would make our selections within the next 30 days.
We all feel fine. Our colds are practically well. Walter White’s hearing is perfectly normal now. He has not missed any time from school. His report card shows that he passed in everything but his writing grade is nothing to crow about. He is improving though. In “Effort” he received a mark of “Excellent,” so I suppose we can’t tell him that he doesn’t try. I’m especially proud of the fact that he can assemble and fly his own kite without help from anyone and with the shedding of very few tears. He and I are doing very well selling magazines. He gets enough commission to buy guns and kites. He’s saving up coupons too. Lewis Dunbar is a very sweet child. He keeps us all busy.
We had a letter from Claudelle today. She has mumps and Mrs. Palmer has flu so they have not been to Galveston.
I love you just the same.
Always, your