September 10, 1924

Wednesday A.M.
Before Breakfast

Dear Walter:

How are you feeling this lovely autumn morning? It is just the kind of morning that makes a person feel like getting up and going somewhere. I think I would like to hike out to the river.

Your letter and the frame came, and I appreciated them both lots and lots. The frame is just as pretty as can be, and you don’t know how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending it. Thank you.

September 10, 1924

September 10, 1924

We went on a swimming party yesterday evening, and had a good time. I suppose we can’t have many more before the weather gets too cool.

I know you appreciate Dr. Kirby-Smith’s hospitality as well as his deep interest in your success in your work. His influence will be a great help I am sure, and it is awfully nice of him to do it. However, you deserve every bit of it I know. Guess you don’t find any trouble in agreeing with him that your salary should be raised several times, do you? It is too bad about his drinking. I suppose his wife thinks that if the officers don’t enforce the prohibition laws, she will do her part.

No, I suppose you were not too hasty about asking me what you did if you are perfectly sure about your own feelings, but you don’t want to make the mistake I made one time of saying something you may want to take back later. I appreciate everything you said more than I can tell you, and you may rest assured I will think about it lots. Then, after I am with you more I can tell you how I feel. All I can say for sure right now is that I like and admire you very much, and am nearer loving you than anyone else.

This is a short letter, but I can’t write anymore right now. Will write a longer one later.
