Jacksonville Fla
Friday PM
My Dear Ina,
At last the picture is framed and I am posting it with this letter. The man had been ill ever since I left the order and they sent the job out for me. Sorry to have kept you waiting but couldn’t help it.
From what Mr. Bishopp said I’ll probably be here more than a month yet. Dr. K.S. says he is going to keep me here and talks of going to Washington about it. I don’t think he will do that, for there is no creeping eruption after frost and during dry seasons. It would hardly justify me to spend the whole time here yet. He has a big heart and would do most anything for me. Says he thinks Florida ought to have a whole Bureau of Entomology to work on various things and I ought to be the head of it. I can’t seem to make him understand that work on citrus fruits, etc. is not my line, and that I am purely interested in medical entomology. He says I can do all of it with assistance, and he is in favor of raising my salary a couple of times. His hearing is not good and it is difficult to talk with him. Has lots of energy, enthusiasm and pep. His family are returning tomorrow A.M. and he would rather they would wait a while before returning. I guess the wife is pretty strict.
He likes to take a drink and she doesn’t approve of it. Her folks do but she is different. I have been a guest of his but will get a room in a private family this evening. Have one located but haven’t been there yet.
There are very few cases of creeping eruption now due to the dry weather, though we had three yesterday. I haven’t been able to prove my findings as yet but have found nothing to indicate that I was wrong. Have some experiments under way and I hope to clean up the cause so that it is without question. Am sending material to Dr. White and Dr. Ransom in Washington so that they can verify what I am doing. Dr. Ransom should be here with me but there is hardly enough to keep us busy with new cases now. I am mighty glad that Mr. Bishopp came down for now he realizes that it is a difficult problem.
I am anxious to hear from you. It seems like an awfully long time, though you have been very good to write often and long letters too. I wouldn’t take anything for those enlargements. Have them handy where I can admire you. You are so sweet that one couldn’t help but love you.
8 P.M.
Have just returned from Mrs. Gallager’s where I engaged a room. Dr. K.S. nurse at the office phoned her and I believe it will be a very nice place, clean, cool and comfortable. Mrs. Robinson must have told her Dr. Dove for that is what she calls me. I hope none of them have a fit or stroke. If they do I’ll have to quote Dr. Hunter “I’m not that kind of a Doctor.” That’s what he told a farmer who wanted him to operate on his horse. Dr. Kirby-Smith gave me the degree when I arrived though he is aware of the fact that I do not have a Doctors degree. It simplifies matters in the minds of patients who might be too inquisitive were I called Mr. Dove. I hope to have the degree but have made no arrangements for work to that end.
Have heard nothing from Sister since before she was married and I presume she will not write until her honeymoon is over. Could hardly expect her to write. I only hope that she will be always happy with him, and I believe she will.
I trust you won’t think I was too hasty in asking you Dear, for I feel that I have known you a long time and that both of us are old enough to know ourselves. I am anxious to hear from you, for I love you with the most tender affections.
With a sweet goodnight,