Sunday P.M.
My dear Sweetheart,
Nothing exciting to report. The new curb was lowered in place Sat PM and by rocking it, it settled to about six feet of its destination. Claud Holley Pritchard was with us Sat. Mrs. Darden came with her adopted daughter (Annie Grey) and they returned last night. Mr. Darden will be here again tomorrow AM & we hope that it goes in place OK. The water comes in from the bottom some. There is about 1 ft difference in the water levels. It won’t take long to bail out sand when the curb is in place. Revah plans to use a strong jack in forcing the culvert down. There has been more of a delay than I had thought, but there seems to be no way of rushing this thing.
I have no news for you, other than that I have a cold. Was caught on the road in a hole & the rain gave me a cold. I went to Natchez for a chain pulley & was on my way there when I got caught in the rain. The cold is not serious. I am using all of my handkerchiefs.
Monday A.M.
Uncle Bernie came and I visited with him last night. My cold is much better, thank you. It will be at least a couple of days and perhaps longer before we will know if you are going to get into the pot.
Hope you are enjoying your visit. Give my love to all the folks. Tell Walter White that Daddy says W W must be a good boy.