Thurs. A.M.
My Dear Ina,
Have had breakfast. Will stop in Baltimore before going to Washington. Due there 9:05 AM but we are about 1 hr late. Trip has been fine except that you were not along. Meals have been very good. Raining at St. Louis, cool here.
Since we go through Balto., I’ll stop, see how the cucumbers hang, and if advisable to remain there I’ll phone B at his home about supper time. It may be best to get the written before going to Wash. Have been studying quite a bit en route. Smoking car has not been (hic) crowded and it is OK for study.
We witnessed an accident in Indiana yesterday PM. This train hit a Studebaker sedan at a crossing and killed a man and wife almost instantly, wife breathed about 5 min. We were there for three hours, hence our delay.
Tell Claudelle we passed Riley’s “Old Swimmin Hole” yesterday. It’s on a crick and looks like any other nice old swimming hole. The poem is given on the menu. A photo also.
With love to both of you and with promise of another letter after I see Cort[?], I am
Your Old Man
Notes on inner envelope:
Next Friday – Written.
May 21 – 4PM – Oral.
To Wash. this PM & return Sunday. Helm. Soc. meeting Sat. Nite honor Dr. Cobb 70th birthday.
I believe these were exams for Walter’s PhD at Johns Hopkins University.