August 6, 1924

153 Powell Place, Jacksonville, Florida

Wednesday A.M.

My Dear Ina,

I received your very nice letter a few minutes ago and believe me I was glad to hear from you. I had become worried and thought that possibly I would not hear from you again. It is so easy to have a misunderstanding in writing, and I am mighty glad that you have some patience with my crude way of doing things. I knew that I should have written you a nice letter and a long one, but jumped at a chance of utilizing a minute’s time in writing at least a line. I am sorry, Dear, for I know the circumstances under which you received it and it must have made you feel badly. However, I am mighty glad to know that you cared enough to have it affect you, though I would not have intentionally used such means to find out.

August 6, 1924

August 6, 1924

The clinic was a success and we have developed a very satisfactory treatment, even though we have not yet been able to unravel the identity of the parasite. It is a microscopic form, either a small worm or a spirochete and not an insect as we supposed. Such a form has never been reported in medical or entomological literature so it gives one nothing to start with.

Expect to begin tomorrow on a survey of conditions where the cases originated and will either have a city sanitary inspector or a trained nurse to go with me. I’d have a time locating all these street addresses in a strange city, though I have already made up a city map showing the locations.

Will enclose a questionnaire & form letter we are sending all physicians of the county. The composition is mine.

I haven’t been with anyone except on business and have been busy every evening until we went to sleep, with the exception of a couple of trips to the beach. These were of a survey nature as so many become infested down there.

Last Sunday we drove to Waldo about 130 miles to see a physician who had several hundred lesions. We had treated him here a few days before. Have had an invitation to come down & spend a while fishing, but I don’t think I would be very happy unless you could be there too. I always wish for you. I can’t help it and you might as well know it. I think lots more of you than you think I do, and I certainly hope that I can see you again in September. It looks doubtful now but we live in hopes. Expect to see you Xmas anyhow as you promised me I could.

My Sis has a mighty fine fiance and I can’t see any reason why they won’t be congenial & get along OK. In all probability he will be cashier of his bank on Jan 1st. My mother doesn’t like to part with Sis, but I told her she would simply get another son. She doesn’t see it this way. I guess every mother feels the same way.

You have had lots of excitement in Uvalde and I hope everything is quiet and to your liking by now. Sorry that your boss was not re-elected but strange things happen in politics.

Remember that I love you and I am anxious to see you again.


Enclosed form letter and questionnaire:

Larva Migrans Form Letter

Larva Migrans Form Letter

Larva Migrans Questionnaire

Larva Migrans Questionnaire