Wednesday Nite.
Oct. 28, 1925.
My dearest Walter:
No letter today, but I’m hoping I’ll get a nice long one tomorrow.
This has been the coldest day we have had this season. There has been a stiff honest-to-goodness norther blowing all day and it looks as though it might snow any minute – of course it won’t though. It seems unusually cold because it was so long coming. That is the reason we notice the winters here so much – it is realy cold one day and perhaps regular summer weather the next. We don’t get adjusted to one before the other extreme hits us. Is it really as warm on the Beach now as you expected? I was wondering if it was warm enough every day now to go in the surf. I hadn’t heard you mention going in in quite a while, and I wondered if it was too cool. I imagine it is very delightful down there in the winter even though it might be too cool at times to go in the surf. I feel like we are going to be so happy there together this winter.
Papa says that today has been a fine one for hunting ducks, but I notice he doesn’t talk very enthusiastically about facing the brisk wind. Of course I’m just “wild”? to do it – the fire does feel mighty good though. At any rate, I have found out that it really is duck season, so I expect to go with him soon.
I love you, Sweetheart, heaps and heaps.
Always, your