Hotel Vereen, Miami, Fla.
Wednesday Night.
My Dear Sweetheart,
Excuse this stationery but the hotel is so new that they have not yet obtained their stationery. It is a pretty nice place and incidentally has some pretty fancy prices. Everything is about three prices (sic) hereĀ and I only hope that the Fulford lot is in accordance with everything else. I drove by the addition tonight but it was getting dark and I could not tell much about it from the Dixie Highway. I did note that the entrance had a pretty attractive front and that there were a couple of business places at the entrance. The ground work seems to be in progress for the 500 room hotel. Since I was down here last fall new additions have opened all along the Dixie between W. Palm Beach and Miami, a distance of 72 miles. I stopped at one filling station where there was no development and asked what he was holding his acreage for. Said he had sold 15 acres lying between the railroad & Dixie for $60,000 and that he believed he could have gotten more had he sold it to a speculator. This 15 is to be developed and he figures that he could afford to sell for less, due to the fact that the development would increase the value of the other acreage across the Dixie. He bought it 11 years ago and at a point about half way between W.P. Beach and Miami. It is located about 4 miles of Fort Lauderdale which was the only developed town. It is difficult to conceive of the enormous developments taking place and of the amounts of money changing hands. I am not buying anything this time except a room for the night, meals, gas & oil. I’ll be here one night only and will drive back and do some work near W.P. Beach for a few days. Prices are about the same up there. Within another year I believe Jax will be the same way and here’s hoping that our high and dry acreage up there will net us something. I’ll write you about Fulford tomorrow night.
Mrs. McDonald came to W.P. Beach with me and is with her husband there. I am driving her car.
With worlds of love, Dear, I am,