Tag Archives: children

August 20, 1941

Wednesday P.M.
Aug. 20, 1941.

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were so happy to have your card today. Could you write more often? It had seemed such a long time since we had heard.

August 20, 1941

August 20, 1941

It was a great relief to know that Dr. Arman had been been chosen Chief. It probably would have been better if Mr. Hoyt could have been, but Dr. Arman most certainly is better than an outsider. Now that the chiefship is settled, perhaps the ball will begin rolling again. I’m anxious to know what your assignment will be. I know of only one person who qualifies perfectly for Dr. Arman’s former position. It would be nice if others with more authority than I would see it that way, and would act accordingly.

All the boys are fine. W.W. is spending the afternoon at Ina Marie’s. L.D. had his whooping cough shot Saturday. Dr. Fielder used the serum that we brought. Tommy is a little cross because he is cutting some upper teeth. It is the greatest relief to be free of the worry about polio. Have any new cases developed in Bay County?

No doubt you are having a nice, quiet time without your family. We hope you are eating and sleeping regularly, and are feeling well. We miss you lots.

Honey, will you please see that the front shades are kept down in the mornings so that the sun will not fade the furniture and rug? I am so sorry I forgot to give you the key before we left you. No doubt you have received it by now.

Regards to the people at the lab and their families.

I’m sorry that the control project is so slow in going though.

“Associate Chief” is a new position created in the bureau, is it not? That certainly places Mr. Hoyt next to the chief.

Lots of love & best wishes from your family.

Always, your

February 4, 1941

1024 N. Oregon St.,
El Paso, Texas,
Feb. 4, 1941.

Dear Ina & Walter:

It is hard to say which was the more surprise, your letter or the announcement of the arrival of your third son. To say the least both came as a surprise.

February 4, 1941

February 4, 1941

On account of a severe attack of cold and a lot of work — only to be followed up by wife having a similar attack, this is the first time I have had to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the news. Certainly, congratulations are in order.

Several years ago, Walter, long before you met Miss Ina, you remarked that if you ever married and had children you want them all to be boys — so what?

On some two different occasions we have discussed the subject of transfers — you and I. Mention was made that some employees remain “put” at some one station for ever while others are continually being transferred from pillar to post. I know several, personally who have been stationed upward to 25 years at one post while others have averaged being transferred each 24 months. Within our Bureau it seems that you head the list. Trotter has averaged a transfer each 24 months. I have averaged a transfer each 30 months. Say; are we living right, or not? Are we so darn good or so darn rotten that they just keep on moving us to see if they can land us in a hole in which we will fit — or are others so good they hate to lose their valuable service by transfer — or so rotten they fear to transfer them for fear they will get lost in the shuffle?

The above paragraph is written for a specific purpose. Last year we were told in a casual way that possibly 1941 would see another transfer for us. We happened to not be in on the last wholesale transfer list last year when one-third of our force was transferred. If we are to be transferred this year same will probably come before June 30th. Furthermore, if a transfer is in the offing, goodness only knows in what direction it will be. A tentative application for leave for vacation has been made for the month of April and if same becomes a reality we had slightly planned going to New Orleans and in that event would certainly like to take you up on your cordial invitation to visit in Florida. Surely you would like to cast a line into the Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of Panama City. According to the map Panama City is not far from the Gulf.

If we were to learn we were to be transferred in that general direction before June 30th, we would probably delay our vacation date. So that is that.

Under separate cover we are sending you by insured parcel post a little gift for that new boy of yours. Hope you three like it. To you and your family every good wish and contratulations from,

Your friends,
The Pettits

January 26, 1941

Stationery from the Plaza Hotel, San Antonio, TX; “Come to San Antonio – the Venice of Texas.”

Sunday Jan. 26

Dearest Ina and Walter and BOYS!

We were so glad to hear the news we hardly knew what to do. We had decided you had changed your minds about the whole thing. I know that weary waiting was terribly trying. Ina, you will stay in the hospital until it’s perfectly safe to go home, won’t you? And then take good care of yourself? It’s so important – to all of us as well as to you.

January 26, 1941

January 26, 1941

Even though a little girl might have been nice, another boy will be awfully nice – you have a third of a baseball team now, you know. And I’ll bet Lewis Dunbar and Walter White are glad. What on earth will you name him?

Mama and Papa seemed to be recovering nicely from the flu when we left Wednesday. Mama actually stayed in bed 8 days, but Papa was up and down – continued to take his children back and forth. Mama had no cough at all, but Papa did – that seems to go with flu often. Almost everyone in Uvalde has been sick.

B.M. had to fly back to Washington for almost a week, and just now he’s in Gulfport. He left Friday night and I’m expecting him before noon. We’ll probably leave today for Austin, be there tomorrow and then – probably – on to Gulfport. We’ll have to spend some time there, I don’t know how long. We are still hoping to see all of you, but I’ll try to write you more definitely as soon as we know. You know how that goes.

Just this minute had a wire from B.M. that he’s arriving at 2:40 this afternoon to resume the honeymoon.

We enjoyed so much our stay in Uvalde – everyone was lovely. We had a nice trip to the Valley. Dolph is such a cute child – I don’t see how Thelma can even pick him up, but she does. Ina Marie is so anxious for W.W. and L.D. to get back to Uvalde.

Mama has been so glad she didn’t go to your house and get sick; of course, she might not have gotten sick there.

Who does the baby look like? We’re as anxious to see him. And Ina honey, you will take care of yourself, won’t you? We love you so much.

Love and congratulations from both of us.


January 23, 1941

Western Union telegrams.



UVALDE TEX 23 934A 1941 JAN 23 AM 10 07


So much for expecting a daughter. Walter and Ina’s third son is my father. You can see how he turned out by browsing his blog.

January 23, 1941

January 23, 1941

July 22, 1939 (Walter)

707 Thorpe Bldg
Saturday PM

My dear Ina,

In order to keep peace in this family, separate letters are being enclosed to Lewis Dunbar & Walter White. They have been good boys at Uvalde and it looks as though we can take them places.

July 22, 1939 (Walter)

July 22, 1939 (Walter)

The week has been light for shipments but vouchers and payrolls have been heavy. Most every evening I have been able to leave here about 6 or 7 o’clock and I’ve walked home every evening. When the sun shines I park on a bench at Loring and read the evening paper, then go by a restaurant for dinner. Three times I’ve eaten dinner at home, eggs, bacon and hot cakes. I made up some syrup & then found some already made.

A letter finally came from the Olson Co. enclosing shipping tags for return of the rug. They say send to Chicago so I am arranging to do just that. I am not writing to them as the tags have numbers and they also show your return address.

It is surprising how long one can keep the same sheets on the bed and how long towels can be used. This week I’ll send them to the laundry.

I looked up our lease and find that it expires August 31st. It therefore seems advisable to look for a place to live. I’ve walked to a few places near our apartment. Tomorrow I’ll have a pickup truck so that I can see some that are not so near by. The Studebaker is at Mandam & will be returned when some one comes in to Mpls from up there, probably this week.

On Friday & Sat. we have a conference scheduled for survey & the general supervisors will be here. Also Wakeland & Gaddis.

Mrs. Quarterman came by for Kenneth and she looks just fine.

Polly was pleased to get your hello and love. She is about normal now and she came back at a good time.

Dorward phoned a few times last week. The planes are still working & flights are there but not nearly as serious as last year. The general opinion is that we have done a good job. Nebraska may be in for some criticism of us but most of the states have already expressed strong approval. Canada received some of our hoppers on Thursday & Friday of this week.

I love all three of you just lots and lots and lots, and I’ll be glad when you come back home.


July 22, 1939 (Walter to Lewis)

July 22, 1939 (Walter to Lewis)

Dear Lewis,

You have been a pretty good boy and both Mother and Daddy are proud of you.

I saw Judy on the side walk last night.

I hope you have a good time and that you will be ready to go to school when you finish your vacation.

With love

Dear Walter White,

I was pleased to get your letters also the report from Mother that you had been a good boy.

During June we shipped 90,000 tons of grasshopper bait. A ton is 2000 pounds or 20 sacks. This much bait would make a line of box cars 41 miles long. In other words as far as Uvalde to Hondo. That is a lot of bait. Of the 14 airplanes, 3 have crashed so that only 11 are working now. They are still working in eastern Montana and we are getting some flights out there. Some of the ‘hoppers are flying into Canada.

I am proud of the way you can shoot a rifle and I hpoe we can go to Reagan Wells again.

With love,

July 21, 1939

Friday A.M.
July 21, 1939.

Dear Sweetheart:

Lewis Dunbar is in the back yard building a railroad and Walter White is at Ina Marie’s where he spent last night. They are enjoying the freedom of the wide open spaces immensely. Mama and I have carried them on several picnics. Yesterday afternoon we carried our boys and Ina Marie to the Nueces for supper and a swim. It was the first time they had been in the river since the flood, so I felt that I had to go in and locate any deep holes that might have been left. There were some, but I stood on the edge of them while the children swam to me over the shallow section. As much as I dislike the water, I feel that I should go in with them now while the water is clean. When we first came it was too dirty in most places for them to go.

July 21, 1939

July 21, 1939

Honey, you remember the car was missing some when we arrived in Uvalde. It grew worse, so I asked Papa to take it to Ray Baker, the best mechanic in town. Papa stayed with him while he examined it, and found that the overheating of the motor had done quite a bit of damage; he said we never would have been able to make the return trip with it in that condition. The points were bent, two valves had to be replaced and the others ground. I don’t remember what else had to be done except I had the crippled hose replaced with a new piece. The bill was $18.55*. I gave a check for $33.55 to cover it and to give me cash for $15.00, which I might need. I’m sure this work was not a mistake; I’ve never heard our car run like it did before the work was done.

It had been 7 months since my teeth had been examined, so I went to Dr. Massie and had them cleaned and the small amount of necessary work done. The bill will not be much. He examined Lewis Dunbar’s teeth and said it had been a long time since he had seen as fine a set of teeeth in the mouth of a child his age; they were perfect. I am taking Walter White today; I think the report will be the same on his. Dr. Massie doesn’t make any charge for just an examination.

I hope you are finding time to take your daily walk – and relax. It will pay.

Dr. and Mrs. Donier (recently he has received his Dr’s degree from Ames) have just been informed by Dr. Bishopp that they are to be in California by August 1st to work on gnats with Mr. Lindquist. They don’t seem to relish the idea. They are expecting a little Donier some months from now.

I hope you’re not playing on the Dibbles’ lawn.

Lots of love,

* That’s $226.32 in today’s dollars. Apparently the cost of car repair has gone up considerably faster than inflation.

July 15, 1939 (Ina)

Saturday Night
July 15, 1939.

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were glad to have your letter today.

It greatly pleases us to know that most of the baiting season is over. We hope you will have more time to relax now. Walks home from the office should be refreshing. I don’t like the idea of your going home to an empty apartment – or had you noticed?

July 15, 1939 (Ina)

July 15, 1939 (Ina)

Lewis Dunbar wrote you a letter, but I can’t find it now. He cried when he found that you hadn’t written him a separate letter. If you could write a separate note to each of the boys in your next letter they would be pleased. They are having a good time and are behaving beautifully.

Please give our love to Polly. I’m anxious to talk with her. I’m glad you are having dinner together Sunday.

The floods came. We always bring one you know. Uvalde had 3 inches of rain, and the much heavier rains in the canyons brought the rivers down to within a few feet of the bridges. The ranchmen are delighted but they think there should have been several inches more.

Sunday A.M.

Paul & Bob caught lots of fish last night. The children and I are going to help them eat them at Thelma’s today. Our boys have gone to Sunday school with Ina Marie this A.M. Thelma & Reitha will be by soon to take me to church.

We think about you often, and want to see you.

Lots of love,

July 10, 1939 (from Ina and Walter White)

200 W. Mesquite
Uvalde, Texas
July 10, 1939

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were so glad to have your letter from Denison and your telegram from Minneapolis today. It seemed like old times for you to be thoughtful about writing and wiring us. You have been on our minds a great deal since you left Saturday. We were afraid that bus ride would be awfully hot. Do you know that the temperature here that day was 112ยบ – the hottest in 20 years? It was the same again yesterday, but I think it was a little cooler today. At least we have had a breeze.

July 10, 1939 (from Ina)

July 10, 1939 (from Ina)

Walter White and Lewis Dunbar have been behaving nicely. Walter White has seemed so much more grown-up since he went to Reagan Wells with you. He hasn’t cried a time since then.

Honey, I’m not giving orders, but may I remind you of three things – the laundry, the due bills, and the letter from the Olson Rug Co.? Please have Mr. King B mail us clothing belonging to Reitha, the boys, and me. Your insurance, the gas, milk, rent, and perhaps other bills are due. You remember I told you about complaining to the Olson Rug Co. about the way the rug in our room behaves. If you will forward their reply to me, I shall appreciate it.

We hope you are not snowed under with work since your brief vacation. Don’t forget the sunshine and walks to the lake.

We love you lots and lots.

Always, your

220 W. Mesquite
Uvalde, Tex.
July 10, 1939

Dear Daddy,

We went to Ina Marie’s today. We had a nice time only Ina (Ina Marie) couldn’t come back with us.

Tonight Lewis is going to sleep on the studio couch for the first time this summer.

See if you can manage to get a few days off to go to Mother Dove’s (which I doubt).

We went to Garner park yesterday to go swimming (which I didn’t).

Your Son,
Walter W. Dove

July 10, 1939 (from Walter White)

July 10, 1939 (from Walter White)

May 5, 1938 (from Walter White* Dove)

533 West Magnolia
May 5, 1938

Dear Daddy

We are going to Uvalde Saturday and I think we are going to the river.

If so, I will cast some. I know how to cast pretty good.

And maybe, if papa will come I may be able to shoot my thirty-two.

May 5, 1938 (Walter White)

May 5, 1938 (Walter White)

* In case anyone reaches this post through a Google search and is confused, this is a letter sent by a little boy named Walter W. Dove to his father, Walter E. Dove, in 1938. Neither had anything to do with the characters in Breaking Bad.

September 20, 1931 (Ina)

Sunday Night.

Sept. 20, 1931

Dearest Sweetheart:

Papa and I have returned from church. Mama kept Walter White for us. I was going to carry him tonight to see how he would behave but he missed his afternoon nap and I knew he would be sleepy early. I went to Sunday school and church this morning. I enjoyed Mr. Getzendaurer’s class immensely. His lectures are always very interesting. I enjoy them more than a sermon. He is really a splendid man.

September 20, 1931 (Ina)

September 20, 1931 (Ina)

This afternoon Ruthven Jordan (of the Uvalde Leader-News), his wife and little daughter carried Walter White and me for a three hour ride. Walter White made friends with him immediately and they had a good time together. Ruthven said he was the best natured child he ever saw. Dozens of people have said that. Mama said tell you that you have a mighty fine son. They have become so fond of him that it will be hard when we take him away. He sits in the swing and talks to Papa lots. The “moont” and “stars” being the most interesting topic of conversation. Excuse me – I started this paragraph on our afternoon ride but as usual I soon begin admiring Walter White. Anyhow, we drove to the “shut-in” and found that a summer camp of cedar log cabins had been built there. It would be a wonderful place to spend the hottest part of the summer. You remember the place on the Frio river near Cou Cou, do you not?

I am wondering if you have arrived in Charleston yet. I am anxious to hear about your trip.

I hope you are feeling fine. I just love you so – I miss you too.

Here’s hoping there will be at least a card from my husband tomorrow.

Lots of love from all of us.

Always, your devoted

P.S. Observe the number of “Is” in this letter, will you? It was unintentional.