Monthly Archives: August 2012

September 25, 1931

Friday Night.

Sept. 25, 1931.

Dearest Sweetheart:

Your letter of Monday night which arrived this morning was most welcome. It contained lots of interesting information.

September 25, 1931

September 25, 1931

The thing that impressed me most was the possibility of our moving to Tampa. Yes, of course I understand that it is by no means cut and dried but is a mere possibility. However, it doesn’t hurt to think about it. In fact, I consider it very pleasant food for thought. Tampa is a very nice place to live, is it not? At any rate it is not Charleston – is not even in South Carolina. I am very anxious to know more concerning it. Also, I am wondering who would remain in Charleston. 150 miles from Ft. Pierce should be safe.

Have you heard anything from the Cushings? They should be coming out soon.

It is nice that your trip to the Southern has been approved and that Dr. Shelmire had a second thought in regard to the order of names in the exhibit.

I am glad that you were pleasantly surprised in the number of sand flies in your collections during your last trip. I did not want you to be disappointed in it.

Walter White gets sweeter every day. This afternoon Mr. Cain (the rather elderly gentleman in the apartment next to us) said that W.W. was the cutest boy he ever saw. He said he was so easily entertained. He, his wife and daughter seem to be so fond of W.W. I believe the baby would enjoy visiting with them all day. He knows when people like him.

I believe there is more talk about the depression here than at Charleston. These people are more accustomed to prosperity than Charlestonians, I suppose, and a shortage of it causes discomfort and probably alarm. Honey, don’t you suppose we had better wait quite a while about getting a new car? It was for this trip home that I was especially anxious for it and since we have gotten along so far without it I believe we could make Willie do for many months yet. In that way we could avoid rendering a new car for taxes next year and could probably buy a car at a lower price later. In the meantime we could be using our money to a better advantage. I am anxious for us to be able to pay a great deal on Owenwood next time. It will be lovely when we get even with the world financially.

By now Rebecca should have been married long enough to settle down to her household duties.

It would be lovely to have another letter from you tomorrow.

We love you lots & lots.

Always, your


September 20, 1931 (Ina)

Sunday Night.

Sept. 20, 1931

Dearest Sweetheart:

Papa and I have returned from church. Mama kept Walter White for us. I was going to carry him tonight to see how he would behave but he missed his afternoon nap and I knew he would be sleepy early. I went to Sunday school and church this morning. I enjoyed Mr. Getzendaurer’s class immensely. His lectures are always very interesting. I enjoy them more than a sermon. He is really a splendid man.

September 20, 1931 (Ina)

September 20, 1931 (Ina)

This afternoon Ruthven Jordan (of the Uvalde Leader-News), his wife and little daughter carried Walter White and me for a three hour ride. Walter White made friends with him immediately and they had a good time together. Ruthven said he was the best natured child he ever saw. Dozens of people have said that. Mama said tell you that you have a mighty fine son. They have become so fond of him that it will be hard when we take him away. He sits in the swing and talks to Papa lots. The “moont” and “stars” being the most interesting topic of conversation. Excuse me – I started this paragraph on our afternoon ride but as usual I soon begin admiring Walter White. Anyhow, we drove to the “shut-in” and found that a summer camp of cedar log cabins had been built there. It would be a wonderful place to spend the hottest part of the summer. You remember the place on the Frio river near Cou Cou, do you not?

I am wondering if you have arrived in Charleston yet. I am anxious to hear about your trip.

I hope you are feeling fine. I just love you so – I miss you too.

Here’s hoping there will be at least a card from my husband tomorrow.

Lots of love from all of us.

Always, your devoted

P.S. Observe the number of “Is” in this letter, will you? It was unintentional.

July 12, 1931

Stationery from the Hotel Ware, Waycross, GA – “Fireproof, Circulating Ice Water, Ceiling Fans.”

Sunday 6PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

This is a right good little town. It is high and from all appearances it has been dry. It is raining now, and I’ve been in showers all day. Spent last night at the Methodist Hotel in Savannah where you and I stopped the first time. Had a better room last night. Made most of the cage collections at Savannah last night. Used a flash light.

July 12, 1931

July 12, 1931

Had a detour in coming here today. It lasted for 32 miles of sandy road. Haven’t seen anyone about the problem here. It is so late on Sunday PM that I do not intend to do more than make an appointment for tomorrow A.M. The town does not look like a sand fly town. I would not suspect Phlebotomus here. It looks like the rapid running streams through the town might furnish a lot of Buffalo gnats (Simuliium). I have an idea that they are the ones that give trouble.

With love


Walter is starting his sand-fly work, looking for ways to combat these biting flies that infest the marshes of the Southeastern coasts. One result of this work will be the naming of a species, Culicoides dovei. I’ve always found it amusing that our family has an annoying pest named after it.