September 23, 1925 (Walter)

Same Place
Wednesday Night 9/23-’25

My Dear Little Girl,

Two letters tonight, Dear, Sat nite and Sun nite. Good ones, too. You certainly are sweet in writing me so regularly and you can bet that I enjoy them. Makes me feel that I have been mean toward you in not having written on Sat or Sunday, and that you went to church four times Sun while I went fishing.

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

I am glad to have an expression from you on our investments and had you been here I would have talked it over with you. I want to do this, Dear, when we are maried for you have some mighty good ideas and we can use them. The tracts are just open cut over pine land with a few palmettos growing, but they are high and dry and I believe that by spring they will sell for $300 per acre. If so, that would be a good time to turn them.

The surf was fine tonight but I was alone and I did not stay in very long. Had you been with me we probably would have played in the water much longer. Then, when we came out we would have enjoyed dinner. There are not very many people down at the beach now except the residents, but the water is warm and just right.

I was interested to know that Claudelle was taking shorthand. That is fine and good judgement on her part, for she will have plenty of time to find her other half.

I have no news for you except that I have been busy with a microscope all day. Am finishing some of the tests we started when Dr. White was here. I am in no hurry to go down the state as I have more than I can do right here and I want to know whether we are going to be in Florida this winter before I start down there.

Dear, if I could only be with you tonight may be I could give you somewhat of an idea of how much I really love you. I’ll be so happy with you that I won’t know enough to try and make you comfortable.

With a sweet goodnight and a real big hug,
