September 16, 1925 (Walter)

The Beach, Wed. Nite.

My own Dear Sweetheart,

Your letter was received tonight just as I had wished. They always give me so much real pleasure, and I never read one but what I wish that you were near enough so that I could hug you for it. They are always just as sweet as they can be.

Last night I received a letter from Raymond Laird, who was a chauffeur in Flight C 800th Aero Squadron with me. The boys are having a reunion at Omaha next month during the Legion Convention. Most of my men came from Iowa & Nebraska and all enlisted within a period of two or three days. It would be fine to be with them then, but of course it is beyond any possibility. They were as fine a bunch of men as Sam had in his Army at any place. Most of them have good positions now, and are making good. They were just like one big family of 53 men in camp, and I did not have to be hardboiled. We got along fine. No doubt you will meet some of them during our married life as they are all good friends of mine.

September 16, 1925 (Walter)

September 16, 1925 (Walter)

It was amusing and I can’t help but sympathize with you, Dear, in that you took your last hike to the top of the hill with Claudelle. You are going to se her every once in a while, and will hear from her often just the same. We are going to have her with us and you will enjoy her company just the same. I think a lot of Claudelle and I want you to feel that we want her with us. I’ll try and be a brother to her, and a hubby to you. I can see no reason why you could not love her just as much and enjoy her company the same way. Perhaps you won’t hike to the top of the same hill, but you can go to other places. I’ll take both of you with me and you two can play while you are waiting on me.

Had a letter from Dr. White today and it was a real nice one. He found it pretty hot in Washington, and to quote him “Me for the land of sun and flowers where the weather and water are fine and the women fat.” He is now a real Florida booster, and he thinks that Jax and the beach are about right. I know that we will get along fine now, as it is quite different from being with him all the time. I really feel that he will boost for me in Wash when the opportunity presents itself, for we are on good terms.

The surf was fine tonight, and I always enjoy dinner more when I have had a dip. Also get sleepy earlier. Wish you could have been with me for I was all alone.

I love you, Dear, and I certainly appreciate that fact that you love me. Only one thing could make me happier and that is to have you with me. I’ll be the happiest man in the world then.

Believe me, I sure do love you,
