September 13, 1925 (Walter)

The Beach, Sun PM 9/13.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I hope that you are not ill. Did not get a letter yesterday nor the day before, but I presume they will come in a bunch. Perhaps they detoured for Jax. I did not go up there yesterday but went out with the Hill boys across the street. We went north on the beach, then to Mayport where they caught a bucket of fiddler crabs for fish bait.

September 13, 1925 (Walter)

September 13, 1925 (Walter)

I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Blanchard Manager of the light Co. in Aberdeen. After the war I had the merchandise department of the company and he was my boss. A copy of the New Orleans report was mailed to him, as I knew he would be interested.

I am yet busy getting things in shape since Dr. White left me. Have had a number of letters to write today. Will go to Jax tomorrow & also to a place called Hilliard if I can conveniently make the run up there. Will come back the same day.

Am sending part of the Jax Sunday paper as there are some real estate ads which may interest you. The one “Jacksonville Heights Improvement Co” is one of our investments. There is also an article on state lands on another page.

I had a complimentary letter from Prof. Riley of the University of Minnesota, regarding the C.E. report at New Orleans. He is about the best medical entomologist in the U.S. I wanted Mr. Bishopp to read it so I sent it to him, hoping that he will send it to Dr. Hunter and Dr. Howard. He will tell them of it anyway and that will have the desired effect.

Sweetheart, I hope that I get a letter from you tonight for I need one.

With all my love, I am,
