August 22, 1925

Saturday Night,

My Dear Sweetheart,

It was a little late when I came home last night and Dr. White was asleep. I gave the letter from Atlantic Beach to a trainman (flagman) and he promised to post it in Jax, so if that one seems to come thru a little quicker that probably accounts for it.

This afternoon the little boy across the street, Betha Hill, 14, and I went hunting. He has been helping me trap since I have been down here, but works every week day with his father (a plumber), so we had to plan the hunting on Sat PM when he was not working. His father went with us in their Ford, and we drove about twelve miles south, to what is known as Palm Valley. There were palms in the valley and palmettos too, but there was no town. The roads were very narrow and crooked. We did not find anything to shoot, but killed the afternoon and had a good time. It was the first time I had been south of the beach here and I was interested in the country. We had quite a little experience in coming back, as we found a high tide and with about five miles driving on it. We were either driving in soft sand or in the water. It wasn’t funny, as there was a northeastern wind beginning which carried the water pretty high. At one time it got into the carburetor and killed the engine. It was getting rougher all the time and we felt fortunate that we got off the beach when we did. It is blowing pretty hard now and I have been told that the “North Easternsers” usually continue for 3, 6 or 9 days at about the same speed. Since it is over I am glad that I have had the experience on the beach during a high tide as I will be cautious when you are with me. It is hardly possible that a person could drown as the water is not deep, but it would be disagreeable to experience. Besides, you might get your “Sunday dress” wet with salt water. (Remember what Thelma Lee said about my “good pants” when you and I were caught in the rain).

August 22, 1925

August 22, 1925

The day has passed rather quickly, but I miss your letter. The post office had closed when we got back tonight so I have it to look forward to for tomorrow. Wish I could see you instead. I’d hug you so hard. I certainly do love you, Sweetheart, and I hope we will always feel the same as we do now.

I had a mighty nice letter from a Mr. Roy Watson of Caxambas a few days ago. He had written to Dr. Howard and his letter had been given to Mr. Bishopp. I wrote to him to find out the nature of his trouble and he came back with a long letter. What is known as “sand flies” which are small biting gnats are of considerable annoyance on the southwest coast. I am planning to spend at least two weeks with him when I go down the state. I would prefer to work on these, before you are with me in Florida, as I do not care to be located where they are going to bite you and I. You can bet that I am thinking of you, and I want to be able to locate where we will not be troubled in that way.

I love you, Honey, and I want you. With a sweet goodnight, I am,

Always your,