April 10, 1936

Friday AM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Thanks for the nice letter and the Easter wishes. Just in case I cannot come home tomorrow, I am enclosing the Standard Oil bill and the 13.50 statement from the insurance company at Dallas.

April 10, 1936

April 10, 1936

Right now I have 12 names on the SE list who were not recorded in the Secy’s office last year, and I am searching records of Congressional endorsement. We found 9 letters with applications in the different states & I am asking Dr. Bishopp to check for 3 in his office. This seems necessary in getting these men on the job again.

Have been with Mr. Townsend every evening until about 11:30 and then again the first thing in the morning. We are moving toward organization gradually. The coop statements in Wash. were endorsed by BAI & Extension Service and are now up for Secretary’s signature.Had a phone call from Mr. Strong early yesterday AM but he did not mention anything except the men’s names and endorsement. Says it is OK to send R.A. to Texas for arrangements out there.

The labor bill of $25.40 for Mr. Farmer seems reasonable & I think the job was good. I recommend a check to him.

Think we will get another insurance statement from Dallas in about 2 months covering tornado & storm. For some reason the mortgage Co. always carries two policies on the Owenwood place.

Claudelle attached a photo to her application blank so I am sending it home.

With love to all three of you,
