October 23, 1935

Wednesday Morning 10/23.
Atlanta Ga.

My dear Ina,

Last night I mailed the salary check of the 15th to the C&S bank for deposit. I had received a notice from the bank. The insurance notice you mentioned is in my bag. I guess I did not tell you about burying it away. It is on the Dallas policy and continues in force as long as we have a value left in it.

October 23, 1935

October 23, 1935

I am leaving this PM for Tifton tonight. Will meet Bruce at Elkton Fla. for a farmers meeting at 8 PM tomorrow night. At Gainesville Fla. Friday and Saturday for County agent meeting & meeting of district men of Fla. I should reach Savannah some time Sunday, probably in afternoon. Do not plan a dinner for me at noon.

With lots of love to Walter White, Lewis Dunbar & my wife.
