October 2, 1931

Friday Night.
Oct. 2, 1931.

Dearest Sweetheart:

Your letter of Monday night started the day off right for me. On the days that I do not get one from you things don’t seem to go so good.

October 2, 1931

October 2, 1931

I was interested to note the tone of Jimmie’s letter – rather blue and somewhat apologetic didn’t you think? You are not going to reply to it, are you?

Your “sprout” is sleeping soundly. He has a good time all day and sleeps well at night. One of his new stunts today was, when we asked him what he was, to pucker up his lips like he ust to do when he said “owna go, owna go” and say “hobo.” He picks up things so quickly that it is almost alarming. Mama carried him for a walk this afternoon. She said she felt almost like she was with a man when she was with him. After being with Ina Marie he does seem big and grown-up. He is so sweet and good natured. He speaks of you often now, but for a week or two when we first came he would not mention you. We would ask him “where is Daddy” etc. and he would immediately change the subject to the moon, stars, lights or something else without answering. It gave me a queer feeling to see him deliberately avoid speaking of you when I knew that he used to talk of you almost constantly. Even when he heard a car drive in he would not say is usual “is that Daddy – it’s Daddy.” I can’t imagine why he did it. He stopped mentioning you as soon as you left us on the train. I would not tell you before because I thought it might hurt your feelings. For the last few days he has been calling “Daddy” & “Walter” real often and loves to talk about you. Isn’t it queer? I knew he had not forgotten you. He either did not like it because you did not come with us or he was resigned to it and did not care to discuss it. Again I say, babies, or rather, little boys, have more sense than we give them credit for. I wonder if he realizes that it will not be so very long before we see you again so he can afford to speak of you. He hears us talking about it. Of course I don’t expect as much of him as Mr. Parman did of his 6 week old baby.

We love you lots & lots, Honey.

Always, your devoted family,
Walter White & Ina.