December 7, 1930

Sunday PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Yesterday I sealed your letter before I enclosed the check. I am enclosing it today.

I spent this afternoon and evening in feeding mites on an uninfected pig. Some of them are dropping now. Am trying [females] and newly hatched larvae. If my pigs keep increasing I’ll have experimental animals in nearly every room of the lab. The ones receiving crushed mites, blood etc. by needle are kept away from those receiving living mites. It is getting so I’ll spend most of my time taking temperatures and watching for symptoms.

December 7, 1930

December 7, 1930

I haven’t seen Mrs. Laake for a couple of days. I get there either before she gets home or after she has retired and I leave without seeing her the next morning. I should have invited her to dinner today, but I was not sure when I could leave the pigs. I ate breakfast with Bruce, Wells and Parish. Also ate lunch with Wells. I’ll get dinner when I go to post this letter.

Shelmire and I saw a pretty case of typhus yesterday at St. Paul’s. He was a Mexican who runs a grocery store. The history is practically the same as the other cases at Henderson and Longview.

I hope you are enjoying your visit and that W.W. is not giving you too much trouble. I certainly miss both of you and I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as I can “round out” my work.

I love you Honey. You too Buddy, and I hope you sleep good.


P.S. Got pants from Kahns OK.