June 26, 1927

Sunday 7:35 PM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I spent most of the day with the Pettits. The dinner was a great success, except that you were not there. Roast beef, candied yams like you cook them, string beans, hot rolls, a very nice salad, pickles, ice tea, sponge cake and apricot ice cream. About 5 o’clock we had another helping of the home made ice cream and cake. It was delicious.

June 26, 1927

June 26, 1927

Alvis came to the Lab with me and we have just returned from a drive. Could not eat supper so we went by a barbecue stand. He left to see Miss Ina at 7:30. He expects to leave Dallas about the middle of the week for a trip to Hot Springs & some other places.

Mrs. Pettit had her hair bobbed just after we left Dallas last year. It is very becoming to her. She expects Mrs. Hickman next Sunday.

With all my love, Dear,

Always your