October 9, 1925

Friday Night.

My Dear Little Girl,

Have worked hard all day toward closing up work and getting things together for the trip. It looks as though it will be Monday before I get started. It will take that long. As there will be no one here in the house I am getting things so that they can be stored. Also some material I’ll send to Washington and get that out of the say. Today I used all of my animals and there will be none to leave with the neighbors for attention.

October 9, 1925

October 9, 1925

You are a good shot to have killed the snake by shooting it through the head. They have rattle snakes down here so I am told, but I have never seen one. It might be a good idea to keep in practice with your shooting. If you had the revolver in the pocket of your car Sweetheart, and also had it loaded, it might be handy when you need it the next time. Really, no kidding, you should have it there for protection when you are driving. I often read and hear of cases in which a negro jumps on the running board. I wouldn’t have you frightened that way for anything in the world, and I’d feel better if I knew that you had some protection in case such a thing should happen to you.*

With a real sweet goodnight and with all my love, your,


* Yes, these letters were written in the early 20th century, and I’m not editing them. Walter’s and Ina’s opinions are their own, and were a product of the times and places they lived in.