August 26, 1925

Jacksonville Beach, Fla
Wednesday Night 8/26.

My Dear “Lovable and Loving” Sweetheart,

The Ouija didn’t tell me to begin this letter with such a salutation, but it sounded so well in your letter that I am acting as a Poly-parrot in repeating it. Your letter made mighty good time. The Sunday letter came tonight. It left North Uvalde at 4 PM Sun. No doubt you were lonesome that afternoon, Dear, and I certainly wish that I could have been with you. But the time is coming when we will be together practically all the time, and then you may get tired and call me such a name as “Beeswax.”

August 26, 1925

August 26, 1925

We were quite busy today and tomorrow we are going to Jax to look up the origin of two severe cases of creeping eruption. The patients are electricians who were wiring a new home. Thus far, our cases have not been extensive and most of them had only a few lesions so we are tickled to have such cases at this time. We believe that we are working with the right thing, but as yet have not perfected laboratory technique of growing them to the infectious stages in quantities for good tests.

We are in hopes that we have the right methods, but it will take some time and quite a bit of work to be sure. The locations tomorrow will probably be very suggestive and may furnish the stages we are searching for. The adults can barely be observed with the naked eye, and when they are filled with blood, so you see the thing is quite small. The forms which cause the skin affection are yet smaller, and the size has been the reason why they were never found until last year. You will know all about them when you are with me, Sweetheart, though I don’t believe you will ever have any infections yourself. We will know how to avoid them. We have some very good treatments in case we should have neighbors affected.

Please pardon this short note, but I have some records to write up and I want to do this while they are fresh in my mind. I’ll not have time to do it tomorrow as we will be away & busy all day.

I love you, Dear, and with a real sweet kiss I’ll say “goodnight.”
