August 9, 1925 (Walter)*

Jax Beach, Fla.,
Sunday Night.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Yesterday was a pretty busy day and by the time I had finished rubbing my sun burns, it was quite late. At the time I thought I would write to you this morning, but we had some experiments which needed attention, so the whole day got by us and now I find that I have missed a day.

There is quite a crowd down here today, and I left Dr. White on the Board Walk watching the pretty girls. He admires them anyway, and sometimes I believe he wishes that he had married when he was younger. Tonight he told me that he thought that I ought to get married. Told him that I intended to, but asked him what I would do with a wife at the present time. I guess I could take care of you if you were here now, but I certainly couldn’t make it home like and neither could you. Perhaps it would be all right as a honeymoon, but at the present time I wouldn’t know just where I was going to take you. But it won’t be so very long, Dear, before we will have it figured out and I’ll be the happiest human in the world.

August 9, 1925 (Walter)

August 9, 1925 (Walter)

I can hardly wait for the time to come when I can come for you and can then have you with me always. I look at your photos many times every day and have them handy where I can see them often. Then I think of the many happy evenings of my stay in Uvalde and the swing where you and I spent most of them. Tomorrow will be three months, since you said “yes” and it seems longer, especially since I left you.

Tuesday, Dr. White and I are invited up for dinner with the Kirby-Smiths again. They will drive back with us after dinner. I haven’t seen Mrs. Gallagher except the one time, and I feel a little mean about it for she left word at Dr. K.S. office for me to phone her and later wrote a note to the effect that she was leaving on a vacation. I’ll see her again, but am in no hurry about it. After Dr. White leaves, I may have her little boy to come down here and spend a few days with me. He is a nice kid and I think a lot of him. When I saw him he wanted to know when I was coming back to their house to live. The little girl is mighty sweet too, but not nearly as pretty as Thelma Lee or Rietha. I haven’t seen any as pretty as Thelma Lee anywhere.

I didn’t get a letter yesterday or today but tomorrow will probably bring one. I love you, Sweetheart, with every tender affection and I am continually wishing for you. You can bet that I am true to you every minute of the time, too.

With all my love and a real sweet goodnight, I am,

Always your,

* This one got out of sequence in the file, so I’m putting it on the blog in the right spot.