August 3, 1925 (to Ina)

Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
Monday Noon.

My Dear Sweetheart,

The manuscript was carried into Jax by Dr. White when he went up this morning. No doubt the arrangement is better, but KS does not believe that it was improved. I really believe, that when Dr. White found out that there was no chance to hold it up until this season’s work had been completed, he next sought to reduce the size. It was reduced about one-fifth. He probably wanted to feel sure of everything in the text, before it was published under all three of our names. If he could have held the whole thing up, he might have worked himself in as second on the list. As it stands, my name is second and the text shows that most of the work is mine. I like the work but I want to be sure that I get credit for it, especially since this is so important and most of it is mine. This may seem peculiar to you, but it means much to me.

August 3, 1925 (to Ina)

August 3, 1925 (to Ina)

When we planned to move down here Saturday, I checked the manuscript and illustrations with Dr. White until about 3:30. He had not yet satisfied himself in every detail, so I arranged for a truck and had the supplies at the P.O. loaded, then came by the hotel. We had to load up from there, and he was not yet through with the Msc., so we brought it along and yesterday we checked it again. I am certainly relieved that it went out this morning, and I wonder how in the world he even managed to get his other papers to press. He has been criticized in the Bureau for not publishing more, and I thought it was because he was so careful. He is very careful but I never worked with anyone who was so slow. About the time I had gone over everything carefully and in detail and had figured we were through with certain sections, he agreed, but later brought it up for a post mortem, suggested changes etc., and then later a second post mortem usually resulted in putting it in as it was originally written. When he left this morning I told him that I was willing to bet that when he returned tonight that he would bring the manuscript back with him so as to make some change. He says he feels satisfied about it now and that we really have finished it. I want to be sure of it before I celebrate. I kid him about being so old maidish etc, and he takes it good naturedly. He knows that I mean it even though it is in a joking manner.

This morning I went up the beach and returned on the next train. Obtained a few samples of sand from where a severe case of C.E. originated in a 4 yr old boy. When Dr. White comes back we will have something to keep him busy. He plans on being here until Aug. 15th, but with my recent experience with him, I would say that it would be Sept 1st. At least I am planning to go down the state at that time and we will have to do the work here during this month.

Don’t misunderstand me, Dear, I like Dr. White and he is lots of help to me but it gets on my nerves to work with such a slow man. He will not take any responsibility or use any initiative in the work. During the clinic Dr. White told Dr. KS that it would take twenty years to work up the subject of creeping eruption. About five minutes later, K.S. told him that this summer was the end of his research. Later, KS told me that it would take 20 yrs. if a man expected to spend that much time, but that he was certain that I could do it in much less time. If I do say it, Dear, K.S. thinks I am OK and he always agrees with me when a subject comes up. He is pretty strong for me and can help me in pushing myself along in the Bureau. When this season’s work is over, he will pull for me through the Secretary. He says that our Bureau ought to have a good force in Florida and that I ought to be the head of it. I feel that with his pushing and the interest shown in the Southern part of the state, that we will have a station in Florida which will grow into an important and good sized place.

This letter is not the kind that I like to write to you, Sweetheart, but I want you to know about things. Don’t blame me if it sounds egotistical, as I don’t mean it that way. I love you, Dear, with all my heart and I’d be the happinest man in the world if you were down here with me now. I know that you would enjoy it.

With a hug and a real sweet kiss,


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Jacksonville Beach, Fla.