March 6, 1938 (Ina)

Sunday Afternoon.
March 6, 1938.

Dearest Sweetheart:

I’m wondering where you are and what you are doing this afternoon. We hope you reached College Station on time and hope your entire trip has been a pleasant one. We enjoyed your visit so very much.

Walter White and Tommie are skating and Lewis Dunbar is beside me on the couch talking a blue streak.

We had a light norther last night which made it cool enough for me to wear my fur coat to church this A.M.

March 6, 1938 (Ina)

March 6, 1938 (Ina)

Yesterday I went to Pincus’ 1/2 price sale again. I just couldn’t resist buying several things for the children – for Walter White a good looking brown suit (coat, vest & 2 prs. long trousers), 1 dark brown pigskin jacket, 1 slip over sweater, 5 long sleeved shirts and 1 pr. outing pajamas (all they had left), everything in 14 yr. size so he can wear them next winter. I realize the unlined leather jacket will be too light for midwinter but it will be good for Fall and Spring. For Lewis Dunbar I bought 2 all wool two piece suits, 1 slip-over sweater and one coat sweater. These are in size 6 and should fit him by Fall. He wears size 5 now. All this is good merchandise and I couldn’t resist it at 1/2 price. The things are stored in your big trunk in the toy room in plenty of dichloricide. You see I had to fill in some of the space left vacant when you took all your clothes away.

The important papers left by you have been placed in our safety deposit box, checks sent to the New England Mutual and the fire insurance agency in Dallas and a request sent to the Massachusetts Mutual for the amount of balance on our loan after dividends have been deducted. The latter probably will be mailed to your office address in Minneapolis as I thought it advisable to notify them of the change of address from 1010 Travis Bldg. Should I mail $29.15 to Investors Syndicate soon? Don’t you think Mr. Kehoe would like it better if you were the one to ask him to make his payments directly to us here? I can mail him the receipted notes as soon as the checks are received. The first one will be due the 17th of this month.

Yesterday afternoon Walter White, Lewis Dunbar, Russell and I spent 2 or 3 hours at Brackenridge Park. Madie was off, you know. This afternoon we plan to take a picnic supper to some place in the country. Yes, we shall return before dark.

Walter White wrote the letter without any help from me. I didn’t even know what he was writing until it was finished.

Polly has lost 6 lbs. since the rush started. She will need a rest when she reaches Minneapolis but no doubt she will find just as much work there as she is having here. She was not complaining at all. She just casually mentioned the loss of weight in connection with the rush. Perhaps the invigorating climate will be refreshing.

Wednesday we are to have our 6 weeks exam in history. I can’t get used to exams. They make me so weak and nervous that I can hardly write, much less think.

Please remember me to Doris. I’m sure she will be glad when Polly arrives.

We hope all goes well with you.

Lots of love,