July 25, 1924

United States Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Entomology,
Investigations of Insects Affecting the Health of Man.

July 25, 1924

My Dear Ina,

I am sorry that my letter was so short yesterday, but I am rushed almost to the limit. Had 38 cases at the clinic today and a total of about 125 this week. Have good assistance but have to tell the surgeons what I want cut out and get histories of cases myself. Dr. Kirby-Smith has every evening and spare time planned and he is showing me a wonderful time. Great host and lots of fun. His family are away and I think he is enjoying the vacation. Has given the clinic good publicity and we have wonderful co-operation City & State Health Boards & members of profession. Have had the dignified title of Dr. since I’ve been here. It sounds better to a clinic. It will close about next Wednesday and we will spend about 10 days at points where cases originated – mostly on the beach. Wish you were here. You would like it.

July 25, 1924

July 25, 1924

Excuse this stationery but I simply must write you something tonight while Doc. tells the neighbors he is home early.

Regards to Claudelle & Mrs. Lewis, and very best to yourself.

Sincerely, Walter

505 Professional Bld. Jacksonville